
More different from tetris than it seems!

If you think Tetris is too easy, you should try Quadtromino. It's Tetris but the gravity changes depeneding on how you move the piece. My personal best is 5 lines cleared, can you do better?

I started this project in Sophmore year of college as a ploy to finally learn Javascript. It's by far the most fun game I have made (as well as the most difficult!)


My obligatory Wordle clone

Nerdle puts your math skills to the test!
Use your knowledge of PEMDAS to reverse engineer the equation, and find the secret equation...

I made this project for my math teacher in my senior year of Highschool as a fun activity for people to do on Pi day.

Website Builder Script (source code coming soon)

Used to make this site!

This script allows you to easily template any HTML block into a stub, guarenteeing consistency of sections that are duplicated across multiuple webpages as your design vision changes. The syntax supports passing parameters to each stub to maximise customization, along with many other features!

Boggle Scraper (source code coming soon)

It's super fast!

For some reason, the one constant of my programming career is Boggle.
When I decided to learn Rust it was my first project, and I have been iterating on it ever since.